The Royal Pentagon Review Specialists, Inc.


The PENTAGON Psychometrician Review Program

The Psychometrician Review encompasses valid diagnostic exams, comprehensive lectures complemented with formative and summative evaluation. The program will cover topics consistent with the table of specifications of the board exams. This lays the groundwork for mastery of the subject matter.

1. Theories of Personality

This covers discussion of different groups of theories — Psychoanalytic, Behavioral, Cognitive, Dispositional, Trait and Biological. From Freud to Fromm, Cattell to Costa, Pavlov to Rogers, students are oriented to the different ideas and how these ideas are applied in the field of psychology.

2. Abnormal Psychology

The lectures on abnormal psychology take into consideration the DSM-5 and the previous versions of the DSM. Mental Disorders are seen through the lens of different perspectives—biological, psychological and socio-cultural. Aside from the etiology of the disorders, signs, symptoms, and interventions are reviewed to gain a more holistic view of the subject matter.

3. Industrial / Organizational Psychology

Behaviors of individuals, groups and organizations are explored in this course. This course spans the various areas—job, personnel, team, organization—that affects the performance of existing organizations. Theories of motivation and leadership are also elaborated to enable the students to think of the factors that lead to employee satisfaction and productivity.

4. Psychological Assessment

Psychological Assessment traces the development of psychological tests and the roles played by psychology graduates in the construction, administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological tests. Different types of validity and reliability are covered to gain a deeper understanding of the course. Different tests are discussed to appreciate how an accurate psychological assessment contributes to consistent and informed decisions of stakeholders in the field.

5. Psychology Statistics

One of the more enjoyable subjects, Pentagon students are treated to a simplified approach in learning statistics. Using a simplified approach, students learn how to identify the simple scales of measurement to the more complex subject of regression. Moreover, students are trained to correctly identify statistical tools to be used in analyzing data—t-tests, ANOVA, Pearson, Phi Coefficient—soon form part of their everyday lives.

6. Research in Psychology

From the research design to analyzing conclusions, students learn the different types of research design—quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods—through discussion of actual research and its application in the field. Research is integrated with concepts that have been studied in statistics to appreciate how the two disciplines merge to provide novel ideas on various studies of interest.

7. Ethics in Psychology

Paramount to the responsibility of psychometrician is to consistently act in a ethical manner—from assessment to evaluation. The ethical principles of Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence are shed to light to know its encompassing effect on the different roles and responsibilities of health workers in the field of psychology. This course helps students to analyze and make ethical decision on specific situations in their practice of psychology.

8. Sikolohiyang Pilipino

This course is rooted on the beliefs, ideas, experiences and cultural orientation of the Filipinos. This covers the basic tenets of Filipino psychology and how these are affecting the way that Filipinos interact with each other from a socio-cultural context.