The Royal Pentagon Review Specialists, Inc.
The Intensive Review encompasses valid diagnostic exams, comprehensive lectures complemented with formative and summative evaluation. The program will cover topics consistent with the table of specifications of the board exams. This lays the groundwork for mastery of the subject matter.
While the intensive review targets mastery of subject matter, the critical review sharpens the test-taking skills of the examinees. Thousands of test drills hone the test-taking ability of the student. Moreover, the lecturer who handled the lectures are the same lecturers who will rationalize the examinations—consistently building on learning experiences in the Intensive Review.
The Final Coaching revisits the knowledge base in the Intensive Review and the test-taking techniques of the Critical Review—and eventually, accomplishing the integration of knowledge and application to solidify the entire learning experience and enhance examinee preparedness.
Accordingly, a mock board exam will be conducted to cognitively and psychologically prepare the examinee. The mock board exam is administered for 2 consecutive days and the questions are aligned with the NEW NLE FORMAT. Furthermore, SCANTRON paper and machine are utilized for immediate scoring and interpretation of the results. The test items will then be RATIONALIZED BY THE SAME SET OF LECTURERS WHO HANDLED THE INTENSIVE AND THE CRITICAL REVIEW.
Crowning the Pentagon Review Program is the spiritual preparation for the examinees to eventually uphold the holistic approach to learning–making the examinees fully equipped as they fearlessly face and successfully achieve each question in the board exams, emerging victorious and adherent to the call of service and for the Glory of God.